What are Muscadine Grapes?
If you are looking for a natural way to reduce muscle and joint pain, help enhance cardiovascular health and a healthy digestive system, you may find
just what you are looking for in Muscadine Grapes. Known as America's first grape, Muscadine Grapes (Vitis Rotundifolia) can be found in the Southeastern
United States, because of their thick and strong skin, they are well adapted to hot and humid climates where other types of grapes don't prosper. Unique in nature
the Muscadine is the only grape with an extra chromosome.
Muscadine grapes are a popular ingredient in recipes in Southeastern states. Locals enjoy Muscadine jams, jellies, juice, and especially Muscadine wine.
Although most people will find great pleasure in enticing their palate with Muscadine products, they don't offer the full health benefits. The Muscadine
skin/pulp and seeds contain different properties.
- Muscadine Seeds: Provide fiber, Resveratrol and antioxidants
- Muscadine Skin/Pulp: Provide Ellagic Acid and many other Phytochemicals
In order for your body to reap the full health benefits of the Muscadine Grape, taking a health supplement that uses the fruit in its entirety is highly suggested.
Health Benefits from Muscadine Grapes
In 1997, a study published in Science, researchers at the University of Illinois tested purified resveratrol from grape sources and showed it to have anticarcinogenic activity, meaning that it inhibits tumor promotion. Muscadines also contain ellagic acid, a natural organic compound thought to inhibit the start of cancer caused by certain chemicals.
In 2005, Studies published in the Journal of agricultural and food chemistry by Nutraceutical Research Laboratories, University of Georgia:
- Anti-inflammatory properties of the muscadine grape (Vitis rotundifolia)
- Study of anticancer activities of muscadine grape phenolics in vitro.
In 2006, A Study published in the Journal of agricultural and food chemistry by the Department of Pharmaceutics, University of Florida:
In 2007, A Study published in the Cancer Research by the Laboratory of Cellular Regulation and Carcinogenesis, National Cancer Institute:
In 2009, an article in Living Without magazine written by Christine Doherty, ND, Muscadine grapes were rated number six in the top 10 super fruit list. Like other super fruits, they are loaded with potent phytochemicals. Most phytochemicals have antioxidant activity and protect our cells against oxidative damage and may reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer. Muscadines are naturally high in polyphenols, which is a highly studied phytochemical.
Scientific research has been reported in thousands of biomedical papers indicating the health benefits of over 20 different antioxidants found in Muscadine Grapes.
Muscadine Grapes contain several different types of flavonoids. Medical research indicates that diets high in flavonoids may help against coronary heart disease, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases and inflammatory diseases. The most notable flavonoids are Resveratrol, Quercetin and Proanthocyanidins.
Resveratrol is a type of Flavonoid which belongs to the polyphenol family and has high antioxidant activity. Learn all about Resveratrol: Click Here
Quercetin is the most abundant Flavonoid which belongs to the polyphenol family and has high antioxidant activity.
Studies have shown that Quercetin may:
- Help to lower the risk of cancer of the prostate, ovaries and breast.
- Improve lung function, which may lower risk of certain respiratory diseases such as bronchitis and asthma.
- Provide significant anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects (acts like an antihistamine).
- Help to combat free radicals, which can damage cells.
- Help in cardiovascular protection by reducing oxidation of LDL cholesterol.
Proanthocyanidins, also called oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC), are a type of Flavonoid which belongs to the polyphenol family and have high antioxidant activity.
Studies have shown that Proanthocyanidins may:
- Provide anti-cancer, anti-tumor, anti-allergen properties and may improve heart health.
- Possess chemotherapeutic activity against breast cancer.
- Help protect against the effects of internal and environmental stresses such as cigarette smoking and pollution.
- Help in cardiovascular protection by reducing oxidation of LDL cholesterol.
Ellagic acid is a type of phenolic acid which belongs to the polyphenol family and has high antioxidant activity. Muscadine Grapes are the only grape with a significant amount of ellagic acid.
Studies have shown that Ellagic Acid may:
- Have potent anti-oxidant, anti-cancer, and anti-mutagen properties.
- Slow the growth of tumors of the skin, breast, esophagus, colon, prostate, pancreas and other tumors caused by carcinogens.
- Help to break down or remove some cancer-causing substances from the blood.
- Have promise for menopausal women as an effective alternative to hormone replacement therapy because it may be able to regulate levels of estrogen.
What is a Perfect Supplement?
Perfect Supplements backs everything up with a 100% Money back Guarantee. We will not hide the true amount of each ingredient by using the term "proprietary blend". It is important to always read the Supplement Facts and other ingredients area on dietary supplements. Perfect ResGrape DOES NOT use any FILLERS or FLOWING AGENTS. You will not see ingredients like magnesium stearate, sillica or rice in our products-just all natural ingredients in a vegetable capsule.

Each serving of 1200mg has about:
- 200 mg of 99% Pure Trans-Resveratrol
- 1000 mg of Whole Food Muscadine Powder
- 5.6 mg of Ellagic Acid
- 7263 Total ORAC value - View Brunswick Lab results on 1000mg sample
Perfect ResGrape combines Wild-Crafted 99% Pure Trans-Resveratrol and Whole Food Muscadine Grapes grown with NO toxic pesticides, making it perfect for you, and the planet. We have the Specification Sheets to prove it:
See our Muscadine specification sheet: Click here
See our Trans-Resveratrol specification sheet: Click here
Nature made Resveratrol - we made the Perfect Supplement
Perfect ResGrape Click Here to Purchase
Each serving of 1200mg includes:
- 200 mg of 99% Pure Trans-Resveratrol
- 1000 mg of Whole-Food Muscadine Grapes
Nature made Resveratrol - we made the Perfect Supplement
Perfect ResGrape MAX Click Here to Purchase
Each serving of 1150mg includes:
- 400 mg of 99% Pure Trans-Resveratrol
- 750 mg of Whole-Food Muscadine Grapes
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Perfect ResGrape Articles
» Resveratrol History & Research» Resveratrol Health Benefits
» Resveratrol Side Effects
» Resveratrol Dosage
» Resveratrol in the Media
» Muscadine Grapes